House speaker Tom Lubnau, and Senate President Tony Ross, both said Friday they won't push to override the governor's line-item vetoes.Mead on Thursday vetoed a provision requiring most state agencies to propose budget reductions of 4, 6 and 8 percent for the coming two-year spending cycle.Mead also vetoed language limiting state spending on wildfires to about $37 million.His action would allow spending over up to $60 million.Representative Lubnau says they're okay with were the budget stands now.

We are pretty satisfied with the budget the way it there was no reason to try to override...

Senate Minority Whip,Senator Bernadine Craft,says she was very happy with what the governor vetoed, especially the part that called for proposed budget cuts for the next biennium.

 It's also, I really have trouble asking people to cut budgets at a higher level than we really need them to cut...

A long discussion in the Senate today on proposed changes to the Hathaway Success Curriculum.Senator Bill Landen says lawmakers are trying to strike a balance.

do we include humanities, fine arts and music, vocational agriculture or do we not, in that curriculum that leads to the scholarship...

The Wyoming Senate has approved a bill that would allow a lottery and multi-state games such as Powerball in the state.The Senate on Friday amended the bill to specify that proceeds will go to support the state school system.The version of the bill that passed the house previously specified that proceeds would support local governments. During floor debate Senator Curt Meier said the lottery is a regressive tax on the poor.

 Make no mistake, it's gambling...

Senator Hank Coe urged lawmakers to pass the bill because the residents support it.

I saw a poll in the last 12 months, 62-63 percent of the people said they support this lottery...

The difference between the bills will have to be worked out at a later conference committee before a final bill could go to Governor Matt Mead.

A bill that would have increased state worker retirement contributions has died after lawmakers were unable to find a compromise on the two versions that passed the House and Senate earlier in the session. Both versions called for a 1 percent increase in the contributions over the next two years.

Complete Audio

Rep. Lubnau no veto override

Sen. Bernadine Craft on veto

Sen. Landen on Hathaway bill

Sen. Meier on Lottery 

Sen. Coe on Lottery

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