The Senate Travel, Recreation, Wildlife and Cultural Resources Committee voted 3-2 Tuesday in support of the lottery bill, which goes to the full Senate for debate.

All the surrounding states have it  and the town I'm from Sheridan it's the thing I hear most about...

The proposal allows the state to offer a state lottery or join a multi-state lottery, such as the Powerball. Proceeds would go to local cities, towns and counties, but the amount of money that would be raised isn't clear. Senator Bruce Burns (SD-21) says he supports the bill because he thinks residents should be able to buy the tickets in state.

the surrounding states have it and the town I'm from, Sheridan, it's the question I get more than any other...

Senator Leland Christensen says he believes lotteries are a form of gambling and tax that would most hurt the poorest citizens who play the game.

There's a concern about the amount of money that's spent. We heard in committee testimony...roughly about $860 per participant...

The Wyoming House has maintained its position that silencers shouldn't be allowed for hunting big game in the state. The house on Tuesday defeated a proposal to roll back an amendment it adopted on Monday that specified silencers could be used for hunting predators and small game but not for big-game species such as elk and deer. Representative Mike Baker(HD-48),proposed rolling back the big-game prohibition and asked for a roll-call vote. House Speaker Representative Tom Lubnau (HD-31) said asking for the recorded vote amounted to "commando legislative tactics." And only served to create fodder for unethical lobbying organizations that use the results to support fundraising emails. the bill needs one more reading in the house.

Legislative leadership held their mid-session press conference Tuesday. Senate President Senator Tony Ross (SD-4), highlighted the steps the legislature has taken towards education accountability.

where we are overall in student performances simply has not kept up with the pace with which the state has increased it's support of K-12 education and beyond....

House Minority Floor Leader Representative Mary Throne (HD-11), says she has some concerns about what they did with the budget.

You know, I think we've made substantial investments in the University and I don't oppose those, but at some point we have to think about the people in the buildings....


Complete Audio

Sen. Burns on lottery bill

Sen. Christensen on lottery bill 

Sen. Ross on Education 

Rep. Mary Throne on budget


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