Flag Day is celebrated June 14th every year on the anniversary of the adoption of an official United States flag. Though not a federal holiday, many enjoy and appreciate the opportunity to recall the significance of our flag as a representation of the nation’s hopes and values.

Looking to create an annual event to facilitate the celebration of Flag Day, the Laramie Elks Lodge No. 582 has organized a ceremony and a free barbecue this Sunday, June 12 at 2:00pm at 103 S. Second Street. The local Boy Scouts will give a presentation on U.S. flag history and a Flag Retirement Ceremony will be held at 2:30pm in the First Interstate Bank parking lot. Taps will be played at the conclusion of the ceremony and a barbecue will follow. The entire event is free and open to the public and is a great opportunity to remember why we pledge allegiance, and to honor veterans and their families.

For more information, contact the Laramie Elks Lodge at 742-2024.

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