Only One State Owns More Guns Than Wyoming
When it comes to gun ownership Wyoming likes to think of itself has #1 in gun ownership per household, or per person.
But it is?
Let's have a look at the most recent rankings.
While we are at it, did you know that there are only 3 nations that claim gun ownership as a constitutional right?
Gun rights are protected by the constitution in the US, Guatemala, and Mexico.
America has an estimated 433.9 million civilian-owned firearms, equal to about 1.3 guns for every American.
No other country comes close to having that many guns, let alone more guns than people.
But as you might suspect not all Americans are gun owners.
Most people who own a gun, own more than one.
In some parts of the country, fewer than one in every 10 households own at least one gun.
In states like Wyoming, if you see one gun in the house there are probably more you don't see.
According to the RAND Corporation, only about 32% of American households have a gun, or guns, in the house. firearm.
RAND estimates, approximately 60.7% of households in Wyoming own at least one gun, the second-highest gun ownership rate among the 50 states.
2nd? GOSH! We are SLIPPING!
Wyoming is beaten by our neighbor to the North, MONTANA!
Below is the full list.
Notice that gun ownership, per capita, does not mean more murder or suicide.
1 Montana 65.0 F 25.1
2 Wyoming 60.7 F 26.1
3 West Virginia 60.0 F 17.3
4 Idaho 57.8 F 16.3
5 Alaska 57.2 F 25.2
6 South Dakota 55.0 F 14.3
7 Oklahoma 54.9 F 21.2
8 Mississippi 54.1 F 33.9
9 North Dakota 53.3 F 16.8
10 Alabama 52.8 F 26.4
11 Missouri 52.8 F 23.2
12 Kentucky 52.5 F 21.1
13 Louisiana 52.3 F 29.1
14 Arkansas 51.8 F 23.3
15 Vermont 50.3 C- 11.9
16 Maine 47.7 F 12.6
17 Wisconsin 47.1 D+ 13.5
18 Tennessee 46.9 F 22.8
19 New Hampshire 46.3 F 8.3
20 South Carolina 45.0 F 22.4
21 Indiana 42.4 F 18.4
22 Kansas 42.3 F 17.3
23 Ohio 41.9 F 16.5
24 Oregon 41.4 B+ 14.9
25 Pennsylvania 40.2 B- 14.8
26 Utah 39.7 F 13.9
27 Nebraska 39.2 C 10.3
28 Minnesota 39.1 C+ 10.0
29 Michigan 38.9 C+ 15.4
30 Delaware 38.7 B 16.6
31 Iowa 38.5 F 11.2
32 Colorado 37.9 B 17.8
33 Georgia 37.7 F 20.3
34 North Carolina 37.1 C 17.3
35 Arizona 36.0 F 18.3
36 New Mexico 35.9 C+ 27.8
37 Texas 35.5 F 15.6
38 Virginia 35.3 B 14.3
39 Nevada 32.9 C+ 19.8
40 Washington 32.1 B+ 11.2
41 Florida 28.8 C- 14.1
42 Illinois 22.6 A- 16.1
43 Connecticut 18.8 A- 6.7
44 Maryland 16.7 A- 15.2
45 California 16.3 A 9.0
46 New York 14.5 A- 5.4
47 Rhode Island 13.9 B+ 5.6
48 Hawaii 9.1 A- 4.8
49 Massachusetts 9.0 A- 3.4
50 New Jersey 8.9 A 5.2