New Owner, Same Passion At Cheyenne’s Downtown Vinyl
Meet Kay, the new owner of Downtown Vinyl in Cheyenne, Wyoming.
Much like Don, the previous owner, Kay does not like having her picture taken, so we reached a compromise.
Kay has lived in Cheyenne for 35 years.
She retired a few years back and spent a lot of time browsing Don's record store.
At some point, she offered to buy the store. Initially, he said no. But at some point, he was thinking about retiring, so he asked her if she was still interested.
Kay told me she has about 9000 records at home.
Let that sink in. That's someone who really loves music and loves it on vinyl.
But her kids have grumbled that, someday, when mom kicks the bucket, they don't want to have to deal with getting rid of such a massive collection.
So, she's slowly selling it off through the store.
Except for her Elton John. She loves Elton.
So, for the fans of the store, be of good cheer.
The new owner of Downtown Vinyl has the same passion and knowledge for old records as the old owner.
This is a picture of Don.
Don hates having his photo taken, so he always turns his back to the camera.
If you've lived in Cheyenne, Wyoming long enough you will remember Phoenix Books and Music on Capital Avenue in Downtown.
At the time it was mostly a used book store with some albums and 45s for sale.
These days people are reading more than ever, but what they read and how they get it has changed a lot.
Bookstores are hard to find as people buy books online or download them to mobile devices.
While the popularity of printed books was fading, the popularity of vinyl records grew.
Because of that the owner changed his store and changed the name.
Most of the bookstore vanished.
Vinyl albums and 45s filled the shop, along with old cassette tapes and 8 tracks.
He renamed the place Downtown Vinyl.
Ask him anything about any album or artist in the store and he knows it.
The new name and store brought him a surge in business.
But at some point, everybody wants to retire and move on.
Beginning Monday, September 11th Downtown Vinyl has a new owner!
Please stop in and say Hi to Kay!
She has lots of fresh ideas and inventory to bring in.
As for me, I'll be doing lots of exploring, traveling, reading, and of course, listening to lots of music.Thank you very much for the 18+ years of support, fun, and conversation! (Says Don, the old owner).
Don will be missed.
His Facebook post was filled with well-wishers.
The store is located at 1612 Capitol Ave, Cheyenne, WY, United States, Wyoming.