The City of Laramie and Albany County provide funding opportunities to local nonprofit organizations through annual budget-making processes, according to a release by The City of Laramie.

Historically known as “Outside Agencies” or “Community Partners,” organizations receiving municipal and county funds do not operate within the formal structure of city or county governments but may utilize support from these entities to achieve their missions, or to fund special projects.

Community Partner organizations should have a strong presence within the community and provide vital services or activities that improve the community. Organizations receiving Community Partner funding typically fall within the following three categories:

  • Recreational/Arts and Culture
  • Social Services, and Civic
  • Quasi-Governmental

Recreational/Arts and Culture organizations are generally defined as those that exist to promote, sustain, and develop recreational, cultural, and leisure activities within the community. Previous awardees in this category include the Laramie Plains Museum, Laramie Depot, Laramie Public Art Coalition, and Relative Theatrics.

The primary objective of the Social Service agencies that receive funding through the Community Partner program is to support or engage in activities or programs designed to enhance the well-being of individuals and families within the community. Laramie Reproductive Health, the Downtown Clinic, Climb Wyoming, and Interfaith-Good Samaritan are among the traditional awardees in this funding category.

Civic or Quasi-Governmental Organizations have been established to work for the overall improvement, advancement, and economic health of the community through working collaboratively with the City of Laramie or Albany County on shared goals, concerns, and interests. The Albany County Public Library and Laramie Regional Airport are example awardees in this funding category.

The deadline for application submittal has been extended to Friday, March 10, 2023.

Applications can be downloaded at the City of Laramie website, or click HERE.

Albany County-specific questions can be directed to Albany County Clerk Kayla White: 307 721 5517 or

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