Another Successful Toys for Tots in Albany County
Toys for Tots returned for another successful year in Albany County, and it was made even more successful with the help of the students from the Wyoming Technical (WyoTech) Institution.
WyoTech students had their own internal competition where each class gets a collection box to put the toys in for Toys for Tots, and whichever class wins by donating the most toys, will be rewarded by the school; not having to shave for a week.
"Not shaving is a big deal for them," said coordinator Tonia Ridge. "We at Toys for Tots would like to provide them lunch which would be donated by a restaurant in Laramie whether it be pizza or sub sandwiches."
This year, the Wyoming Technical Institution Students collected a total of 1,864 toys, ranging from games, stocking stuffers, books, and stuffed animals.
Toys for Tots started in 1947 is a program by the Marine Corps Reserve Units, that collects new toys to distribute to families for Christmas. For Albany County, the program is primarily sponsored by the Marine Corps League Detachment 777.
The campaign usually begins as early as October, and until mid-December. During this period, caring Americans drop off new, unwrapped toys, and families can start signing up to receive toys as well.
Toys will be packaged for pick-up by volunteers and distributed drive-through style, on December 3, 10, and 17 said, Ridge.
Families are requested to show proof of having a local address as the program wants to make sure that the toys are distributed in the communities where they’re collected.
Ridge and the rest of the Toys for Tots program thank WyoTech and everyone who participated in the program, for going above and beyond and helping make "Every Child Deserves a Little Christmas" a reality.