Ivinson Memorial Hospital Prepared for COVID-19
The Ivinson Memorial Hospital has been steadily preparing for the COVID-19 pandemic should it hit Laramie.
Doug Faus, the CEO, stated: "Our team at Ivinson Memorial Hospital has been preparing for several weeks to respond to COVID-19 within our community."
The hospital has a dedicated Nurse Triage line, which is available for people to call should they be experiencing symptoms similar to COVID-19 to help them determine the most appropriate care for their needs. "We have already fielded over 200 calls since the line opened on March 13," Faus said.
They have also implemented several visitor restrictions hospital-wide and have also limited public entrances to protect our patients, staff, and community from the spread of illness.
In regards to the virus itself, as of today, March 24, Ivinson has conduced 16 tests for the illness. 11 of those returned negative, and they are still waiting on results from 5.
"Many of our nurses and clinical employees have begun to cross-train to other units so we are prepared for a potential surge of patients,"Faus said, "Our Emergency Preparedness team continues to meet daily to develop strategies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic."
The Nurse Triage Line is open Monday-Friday from 8 am-5 pm. You can reach them at (307) 755‑4750.

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