Most years, March would have begun a day ago. This year however, leap year set it back, so after an additional 24 hours, we are now in the glorious month of madness, solstice and clovers. Before we get further into this month, let's take a look at some of the events, festivities and famous birthdays that set this month apart.

  • Month-Long Observances

    What may seem to you as a regular month with 31 days, is really a time to recognize a great many causes. Not only is March the third month, it is also: -Red Cross Month -Music in Our Schools Month -National Irish-American Heritage Month -National Craft Month -National Frozen Food Month -National Nutrition Month -National Peanut Month -National Women's History Month -National Professional Social Work Month How you want to celebrate or recognize any of these observances is up to you, but there are plenty of month-long observances you can certainly choose from this month!

  • Best Traditional Holidays

    If you aren't into month-long observances, you can celebrate shorter, traditional day-long holidays celebrated in March, such as these: -March 15, Ides of March (The first day of the Roman New Year) -March 17, St. Patrick's Day (A day in honor of the Patron Saint of Ireland- just wear green, you'll be fine) -March 20, Vernal Equinox, aka Spring Solstice (When the sun crosses directly over the Earth's equator) -College Basketball

  • Best Non-Traditional Holidays

    Most of these holidays are completely foreign to me; I do not know how one would celebrate these holidays, however, based on some of the names, you should be able to figure it out: -March 3, If Pets Had Thumbs Day -March 14, National Pi Day (3rd month, 14th day--- 3.14=pi...) -March 19, Poultry Day -March 20, Extraterrestrial Abductions Day -March 22, National Goof Off Day -March 26, Make Your Own Holiday Day -March 28, Something on a Stick Day

  • Famous Birthdays

    While my sister trumps all competitors in this category, there are a great many celebrities worth noting who were born in the month of March. Take a look at a few of them: -March 1, 1994, Justin Bieber -March 1, 1904, Glenn Miller -March 2, 1962, Jon Bon Jovi -March 2, 1904, Dr. Seuss -March 3, 1847, Alexander Graham Bell -March 4, 1888, Knute Rockne -March 6, 1972, Shaquille O'Neal -March 6, 1906, Lou Costello -March 9, 1943, Bobby Fischer -March 10, 1983, Carrie Underwood -March 11, 1931, Rupert Murdoch -March 11, 1903, Lawrence Welk -March 12, 1948, James Taylor -March 14, 1879, Albert Einstein -March 15, 1767, Andrew Jackson -March 16, 1751, James Madison -March 17, 1919, Nat King Cole -March 19, 1848, Wyatt Earp -March 20, 1928, "Mr." Fred Rogers -March 21, 1685, Johann Sebastian Bach -March 22, 1931, William Shatner -March 24, 1976, Peyton Manning -March 25, 1947, Sir Elton John -March 26, 1968, Kenny Chesney -March 26, 1931, Leonard Nimoy -March 26, 1930, Sandra Day O'Connor -March 29, 1867, Cy Young -March 30, 1853, Vincent Van Gogh -March 31, 1928, Gordie Howe

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