Hathaway Scholarship

Recipients of Wyoming's state-funded college scholarship will see an increase in their awards under a bill approved by the legislature. The bill provides a 5 percent increase in the Hathaway Scholarship Awards to help make up for rising college tuition and fees. The Hathaway Scholarship award hasn't been increased since it was first started in 2006.The measure now goes to Governor Matt Mead.

Large Fund Loan Program

After some debate, the House passed Senate File 97 which involves a $25 million general fund appropriation to the Large Fund Economic Development loan program. Representative Sam Krone (HD-24) said while Cody Labs will benefit from the bill, so will the rest of the state because it is a statewide mechanism.

Education issues Will Be Discussed During the Interim

Senator Hank Coe (SD-18), chairman of the Senate Education Committee, said early childhood education and dealing with the fallout from the Cindy Hill case will be just a few of the issues lawmakers will discuss during the interim. Senator Bill Landen (SD-27), also a member of the Senate Education Committee, said another topic will be school safety and security.

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