Gov. Matt Mead says several Wyoming agencies have reduced their standing rules this year as part of a push to streamline state government and he says he's continuing to push for further reductions.

Mead says having fewer rules will make government more efficient and transparent to the public and lighten the regulatory burden. Mead has asked agencies, boards and commissions to reduce rules both in number and length by one-third. He says obsolete or unnecessary rules should be repealed while those that remain should be as good and as condensed as possible.

In 2013, the Attorney General’s Office has re-written the rulemaking handbook for state agencies, boards and commissions and with the Legislative Service Office provided training to improve writing of rules. The Governor says training will be an ongoing effort.

Mead says he wants the Legislature to consider a bill to set a single policy for how all state agencies handle public records and administrative hearings, rather than having each agency write its own.


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