For 3 Exciting Days The Pony Express Will Re-Ride In Wyoming
It only lasted 18 months, but the Pony Express made an impact on history that is still strong today. The annual Pony Express Re-ride is underway and will be rolling through Wyoming this week.
The ride always either starts or ends in St. Joseph, MO and Sacramento, CA and in total cover 1,966 miles. This year the trek will begin in St. Joseph and end in Sacramento on June 16th.
The 10 day ride will go 24/7 and make it's way through 8 states.
- Missouri
- Kansas
- Nebraska
- Colorado
- Wyoming
- Utah
- Nevada
- California
There will be about 750 riders that will participate in the ride this year and 150-160 of those will be in Wyoming, with 7 ride captains in the state. For 56 hours the Wyoming riders will continue to complete the mission of carrying the 1,000 to 1,200 pieces of mail to the next rider at the Wyoming/ Utah state line.
If you're interested in following all of the riders along the trail and seeing when you'll have the chance to catch a glimpse of this historic ride, check out this interactive map. The map will give you the exact location of the rider and when they're expected to be at the next checkpoint.
When the riders take over here in Wyoming, this is what it will look like schedule wise.
(All times are estimated and depend on travel and ride)
Thursday June 9, 2022
Ride Captain: Stephanie Goulart
- Lyman, NE @ 6pm
- S. Torrington @ 7pm
- Fort Laramie @ 9pm
- Tank Farm Road @ 10pm
- Guernsey @ 10:30pm
- Wendover Road 11:30pm
Friday June 10, 2022
- Cassa Rd & Highway 319 @1:30am
NEW RIDE Captain: Gynette King
- Glendo @ A St. & Hwy 319 @ 4:00am
- Douglas, SE of town @ 7:00am
NEW RIDE Captain: Joel Chamberlain
- Inez Rd Exit 150 I-25 @ 8:30am
- Glenrock at Highway 20 & Town Park Road @ 10:30am
NEW RIDE Captain: Deidra Homann
- Sinclair Casper Refinery @ 12:30pm
- National Historic Trails Center, Casper @ 1:20pm
- Fort Caspar @ 1:50pm
- Independence Rock (Ride by) @ 8:10pm
- Martin’s Cove Road & West Oregon Trail @ 9:00pm
Saturday June 11, 2022
NEW RIDE Captain: Vannessa Powell
- Jeffrey City @ D St. & Sweetwater Blvd. @ 2:00am
- Sweetwater Station @ Hwy 789 & Sand Draw Rd (135) @ 4:00am
NEW RIDE Captain: Howard Schultz
- Atlantic City on Main Street @ 8:00am
- Farson @ Hwy 191 & 28 @ 2:00pm
- Green River Crossing @ Hwy 28 @ 4:00pm
- Granger on Spruce Street @ 5:30pm
NEW RIDE Captain: Kristine Hayduk
- Uinta/Sweetwater County Line on Granger Road @ 6:00pm
- Fort Bridger @ I-80 Loop & Ft. Bridger Rd. South @ 9:00pm
Sunday June 12, 2022
Wyoming/Utah State Line @ Wahsatch Road @ 2:00am
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