Cheyenne Frontier Days CEO: Security Reviews Are Constant
In light of the deadly shootings in Las Vegas on Sunday night, Cheyenne Frontier Days CEO Tom Hirsig wants people to know that CFD has on-going reviews of security measures to protect rodeo visitors and volunteers.
Hirsig says the Frontier Days emergency response team meets year around to make plans and discuss potential security issues. He says CFD officials also meet regularly with local, state and federal law enforcement officials to discuss security measures.
In regard specifically to the Las Vegas shootings, Hirsig says that while there are no high-rise buildings near Frontier Park that would allow for that kind of sniper attack, security officials always look at such national and international mass killings to see if there are lessons that might apply to Cheyenne Frontier Days events.
Hirsig says that while security members at Cheyenne Frontier Days may not be highly visible to the public, ''Believe me, they are there, behind the scenes, watching everything going on at our events."
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