With assistance from the general public, Casper Police Fraud Investigators have solved a case that was featured on Crime Stoppers.

Casper Police say in late July, an elderly blind female wrote a check at the east side Wal-Mart for $10.33.

The check was processed and given back to her.

The check was then lost.

Three days later, an unknown white female changed the lost check amount to $183.77 for items she had purchased at the east side Wal-Mart.

The female suspect was wearing a grey tank top with Mickey Mouse on the front.

Detective John Hatcher said the case went cold, because they couldn't identify the suspect on security cameras, and so it was featured Crime Stoppers.

About an hour or two after the new Crime Stoppers case was published, detectives received calls from the public who were able to identify the suspect, and it turned out to be 40-year old Justice Ellis.

When interviewed she admitted to what she did, but didn't say how she was able to acquire the check.

Hatcher says if it wasn't for the public's help, who knows how long, or if the case would've been solved.

"it's good that when we see a success story from these Crime Stoppers and especially this week, that people in the community want to see people brought to justice, so it's a great win for Crime Stoppers."

Hatcher adds that a warrant has been issued for Ellis' arrest.

Charges are still pending.

Det. John Hatcher
Det. John Hatcher

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