Candidate Forums This Month
Forums are being offered for people in Albany County and the city of Laramie to meet primary election candidates for contested races and ask them questions. The League of Women Voters of Laramie and the Albany County Public Library are hosting three candidate forums this month to help inform the public about those running in the primary election. All the forums will be held at the library located at 310 South Eighth Street.
The first of three forums will take place this Thursday, July 17 from 7 to 9 p.m. This event will provide a time for people to meet with candidates for Albany County Commissioner. According to the Albany County Clerk website, eight people have filed as candidates for the position, five republicans and three democrats.
The next forum will be for Laramie City Council Candidates, Ward Three. It will be held Thursday, July 24 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. According to the Albany County Clerk website, five people have filed as candidates.
The last of the three forums will take place on Thursday, July 31 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. This forum will be for both Albany County Attorney and Albany County Coroner Candidates. According to the Albany County Clerk website, four people have filed as candidates for Albany County Attorney with half the field running as republicans and half as democrats. In addition, three people have filed as candidates for Albany County Coroner with all running as democrats.
Neither the Albany County League of Women Voters nor the Albany County Public Library support or oppose any candidates.
For a complete list of candidates filed for this year’s election, click here.