Bigfoot Nest Found in Wyoming
OKAY I'll tell you right up front - this story is probably total CRAP like all the other Bigfoot claims. But here we go anyway.
You know my story is a fate pile of steaming buffalo pucky when I start it off with:
THERE I WAS - Hiking the 3-mile loop trail around Turtle Rock at Vedauwoo, Wyoming.
Located just off of I-80, between Cheyenne and Laramie is Vedauwoo Wyoming. Probably one of the most strangely beautiful rock formations in Wyoming, and that is saying a lot.
That is when we come across this strange collection of branches that were obviously arraigned as a shelter.
There were 4 of us in our group, plus two small dogs, and we all agreed, even the dogs, THIS MUST BE A BIGFOOT NEST.
Here is what we saw.
YEAH - Pathetic I know. But so is all the other so call "Bigfoot Evidence."
Behind the nest, just above it, to the right, is a pool of water from a creek. It trickles down like a tiny waterfall and flows behind the "nest."
We then noticed that this structure was too small to be for a full-size bigfoot. So we decided that it was a teenage bigfoot who had been kicked out of the house by his parents and he built this crappy structure to sleep in, until they let him in back home.
Now, I know you're thinking - I am weird and so are my friends. I won't argue that point. You can probably come up with a better and more realistic explanation than the one I just gave you. But what's the fun in that?
Sorry to waste your time.
To make it up to you, here are some photos of where we were camping and hiking.
Ve-da- WHOO?
Located just off of I-80, between Cheyenne and Laramie is Vedauwoo Wyoming. Probably one of the most strangely beautiful rock formations in Wyoming, and that is saying a lot.
It's worth the road trip to visit. It's more than worth it to say in Cheyenne or Laramie and drive up to Turtle Rock for the day. I suggest camping there, Being surrounded by those wonderful rocks all day and night is nothing short of inspiring.
With odd rock formations like this, it does not take the mind long to start finding human faces and animal shapes. Who knows what else. Just let the imagination run wild.
It is no wonder American Indians thought of this as a spirit-filled place.
There is a 3-mile long trail around Turtle Rock. Come with me and I'll show you the faces and shapes I found on my last camping trip.
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