Associated Press

Trial Starts In Death Of Wyo. Girl Hit Near Bus
RIVERTON, Wyo. (AP) — A Lander man accused of hitting and killing a girl as she got off the school bus last year is going on trial.
William Dean Barnes’ trial begins Tuesday and is expected to last up to three days.
He’s pleaded not guilty to vehicular homicide in the death of 11-year-old MaKayla Marie Strahle (STRAW’-lee) of Crowheart on Dec. 20, 2011. The Wi

Yellowstone-Area Grizzly Population Growing
The grizzly bear population in the greater Yellowstone area is growing despite an increase in the number of bear deaths.

Riverton Kids In Need To Benefit From Food Drive
Parents at Riverton Middle School are collecting donations of nonperishable food so children in need won’t go hungry over their holiday breaks.

Mead, Sullivan, Simpson To Address Business Forum
Gov. Matt Mead, former Gov. Mike Sullivan and former Sen. Alan Simpson will be among the featured speakers at a business forum in Cheyenne later this week.

UW Petroleum Engineering Degree Gets Accreditation
The University of Wyoming’s Bachelor of Science degree in petroleum engineering has been nationally accredited.

Jackson To Pay Grand Teton More
Jackson Hole Airport has agreed to boost the amount of revenue it gives to Grand Teton National Park.

.50-Caliber Bullets Banned at Natrona County Range
Comparison, .50 caliber bullet and 5.56mm bullet (Photo: GlobalCop,
After a .50-caliber bullet ended up going through the roof of a home nearly a mile away from a Natrona County shooting range, ammunition larger than .40-caliber has been banned at that range
Wild Horses Being Rounded Up In Fremont County
LANDER, Wyo. (AP) — The Bureau of Land Management has been rounding up hundreds of horses in Fremont County this week.
Helicopters are being used to gather the horses, who are then loaded into trailers and taken to corrals. The Associated Press reports that the mares are being given birth control shots known as PZP...