Albany County Courthouse North Entrance Remodel Begins This Week
LARAMIE -- The North entrance of the Albany County Courthouse will be closed for construction beginning Thursday, Aug. 8. Arcon, Inc., the County’s contractor, will be demolishing the north stairs and landing to make room for the new entry.
The Courthouse will remain open, but patrons will be required to use the South entrance during construction. The work is scheduled to be completed by the end of this year.
“I realize this will be an inconvenience for many Courthouse users, but it’s simply not possible to keep this entrance open during the construction,” said Bill Gorman, County Engineer. “But it will be worth it in the long run. When this work is done, there will be no more icy stairs to climb and even a new elevator,” he added.
This project will address several shortcomings of the existing entry. First and foremost, the existing concrete is structurally unsound and is currently been held up by temporary shoring. Next, the current wheelchair accessible door is at the bottom of a long ramp. The new entrance will eliminate a ramp and provide building access at sidewalk level. Lastly, the new layout will allow for the entire building to be secured from a single entry.
The project is being funded by State Land and Investment Board grant funds, Albany County funds and Special Purpose Tax funds.
If you have special needs and are not able to use the south entrance, please contact the Albany County Clerks office at 307-721-2541.