The latest issue of Yellowstone Science is dedicated to climate change research in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, offering readers an opportunity to learn about recent findings.

The issue begins with a reflection on climate change predictions from 1992, when Drs. William Romme and Monica Turner explored possible climate change scenarios in the very first issue of Yellowstone Science. Since that time, these and other scientists have continued to study the ecological implications of climate change in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.

“This issue represents a critical summary of current climate change knowledge in the park and surrounding area,” said Acting Yellowstone National Park Superintendent Steve Iobst.

More than 20 researchers from a variety of disciplines contributed their current findings of regional impacts due to changes in climate. Articles cover topics such as changes in snowpack, amphibian and bird population vulnerability, and the loss of ice patches.

The publication is produced by Yellowstone National Park with support from the Yellowstone Association and the Yellowstone Park Foundation. The issue will be mailed to subscribers this week and is also available online for free download at


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