Perhaps the most telling sign of summer is the emergence of garage sales on any given weekend. You go for a Saturday afternoon drive and it seems that every street corner has some homemade sign about a garage sale. If you’re anything like me, you see these signs, and follow each of them to their advertised location. Whether you need anything or not, the temptation of a potential great deal is too much, and every year, you stock up on books you might someday read, board games you might someday play, and movies you watched one time and might someday watch again.

The problem with this garage sale fascination that many of us share is that after a few summers of going to every sale possible and snagging every bargain deal, you find yourself with excess “junk” around the house, and before you know it, you need to host your own garage sale to get rid of some of the clutter. The good news if you need to hold your own garage sale, is that you don’t need to post a homemade sign on the street corner anymore, you can now advertise for free through the Classifieds section of! Whether you will use the Classifieds section or not, we want to know if you plan on having a garage sale this year…

We want to reward you just for answering this poll! Enter your answer to this poll in the Laramie Rewards Program for your chance to win some great prizes like gift certificates, DVDs, and this month a whole slew of prizes to get you ready for summer!

Have a local “Survey of the Day” question you want to ask about? Let us know! Survey results will be read one week after the survey start date on the Laramie Live Radio Show, so listen in to KOWB 1290 AM weekday mornings at 8:05 a.m.

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