Graduation is a significant and momentous occasion in life. It is a time to be recognized for years of hard work and personal growth. As a kid, I remember my Kindergarten teacher holding a "graduation" ceremony, giving us certificates to recognize our successful journey to first grade. That graduation might have been too early in life to count as a real graduation ceremony, but many of us can easily recall elementary school, middle school, high school and college graduations throughout our years of education.

While there are many graduation ceremonies in Laramie each year, especially if you count the middle school and grade schools, arguably the most significant graduations are from Laramie High School and the University of Wyoming.

Now, many would say that due to the added years of study, college graduation is far more substantial an occasion than high school graduation, and while that might be the case, what we want to know is, which is the bigger event? Is the entire graduation ordeal (preparation, celebration, etc.) a bigger event for high school, or college?



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