Teachers across the state will have a regular opportunity to provide input to state education leadership by participating in the Director’s Teacher Cabinet, sponsored by the Wyoming Department of Education.

Cabinet members will be asked to share perspectives from their classrooms and provide input and feedback on key policy decisions. Wyoming Department of Education Director Richard Crandall says "it does not matter where I travel or what conference I attend, the message is always the same; a high quality teacher drives student success.”

The Cabinet will be made up of 10-to-12 members representing diverse geographic regions, grades, and subjects. Members of the Cabinet will be asked to commit to an 18-month term beginning January 2014. During their term, Cabinet members will participate in bi-monthly teleconference meetings, travel in-state twice to attend half-day sessions with Director Crandall and WDE leadership, and commit two to three hours monthly for associated tasks.

In addition to providing input on policy implementation, Cabinet members will support statewide communication efforts, including contributing to a new teacher newsletter, and assist with recruitment efforts for teachers and leaders needed for professional development opportunities. Applications are also available on the WDE website.

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