The Weekend Movie Forecast calls for cooling. A below-average romantic comedy called 'Playing For Keeps' is the only new movie in Laramie. It's pretty easy to figure out just from the trailer, which you can watch below.

Adding some variety is an opera series that opens at the Fox Theater on Saturday, 'The Metropolitan Opera: Un Ballo in Maschera'. Seven more operas are scheduled from now through April at the Fox. The trailer for the whole season is below, which the preview of this week's opera starting at the 1:05 mark.

'The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King' will be shown for free on Saturday at 7 p.m. at the Albany County Public Library. This is the last film in "The Road to 'The Hobbit'" film series. Free popcorn and pop will be provided.

The last film in the fall film series at the Wyo Theater, 'The Master', stars Philip Seymour Hoffman as the leader of a powerful religious organization with questionable motives. Hoffman, Amy Adams and Joaquin Phoenix all won top acting awards for their performances in this critically-acclaimed film at international film festivals. It will show on Sunday night at 7 p.m.

The best film in Laramie is 'The Life of Pi', which rates a B+. Also being held over are 'Skyfall' and 'Rise of the Guardians', which all rate a B.

The weekend movie forecast is by Robert Roten, creator of the Laramie Movie Scope website.

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