Some Burns and Pine Bluffs students may be subject to drug testing when school starts this fall.

Laramie County School District #2 is considering implementing a mandatory drug testing policy which would subject junior high and high school students who participate in athletics or school sanctioned activities to random drugs tests.

Superintendent Jon Abrams says results from a survey that was sent out at the end of the school year indicate a majority of parents are in favor of the policy.

"The majority of the respondents were in favor of it," said Abrams. "We also had a letter from the Burns High School Student Council, who are strongly in support of it, as are our administration and our coaches at the two schools."

Still, some argue that they're giving up a freedom.

"If I felt like it was a vindictive, try to get you sort of thing, I would share their concern," said Abrams. "This is intended to be a system of support to help students make good choices in the first place and when they've made poor choices and are using drugs, provide them with the support to help them get back on track."

Abrams says the proposed policy will be on second reading when the school board meets July 15.

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