Joy Greenwald, Townsquare Media
Joy Greenwald, Townsquare Media

In an effort to combat underage drinking, Cheyenne Police will be stepping up enforcement at the 119th Daddy of 'em All.

The police department has secured $10,000 in funding from the Wyoming Association of Sheriffs and Chiefs of Police (WASCOP) to have two to three extra officers at Frontier Park to specifically help with underage drinking enforcement.

Cheyenne Frontier Days (CFD) General Chairman Darin Westby says maintaining a good working relationship with police is vital.

"Since we took over the malt beverage program, we've realized that there's a significant responsibility that goes along with our permit through the city as well as the Cheyenne Police Department," said Westby.  "Working with them is a must and we saw that as a responsibility that we take very seriously and we look forward to our partnership every year."

Westby says CFD has a great relationship with the Cheyenne Police Department. In 2012, CFD was honored with the Chief's Award for responsibility in alcohol management.

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