The Laramie City Council is in the process of updating the sign code and one of the most contentious debates in the process has been electronic message centers or EMC’s and whether or not they can have motion.

Everything from removing all restrictions on movement to allowing no movement at all has been discussed as well as the possibility of banning EMC’s. Of course if that happens you have the question of whether or not to grandfather in the existing EMC’s and already it’s easy to see why this issue has been postponed on second reading.

The debate tends to keep coming back to one major question and that is if movement on the signs is too distracting for drivers in Laramie. So, we figured we’d ask you if moving words on signs are a distraction to you or not. Let us know by answering the survey below.

We want to reward you just for answering this poll! Enter your answer to this poll, for your chance to win some great prizes like gift cards, DVDs, tickets and summer quick trips!

Have a local “Survey of the Day” question you want to ask about? Let us know! Survey results will be ready one week after the survey start date on the Laramie Live Radio Show, so listen in to KOWB 1290 AM weekday mornings at 8:05 a.m.


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