Those who would like to fund the organization through lift ticket purchases but cannot attend can call the ticket office Saturday and purchase a lift ticket for the next person in line.
All four deputies who were at the scene of the fatal officer-involved shooting at Snowy Range Ski Area Dec. 6 have returned to duty, according to Albany County Sheriff Dave O’Malley.
The four deputies – Matt Donnell, Edward Rosier, Aaron Gallegos, and Adam Dean – were placed on administrative leave pending the result of the investigation per office policy...
No criminal charges will be filed against any of the four Albany County Sheriff’s deputies involved in the fatal Dec. 6 shooting of a Colorado man at Snowy Range Ski Area.
A letter to the Albany County Commissioners from the Attorney General’s Office this week says the decision comes after Deputy Attorney General David Delicath reviewed the report prepared by Wyoming Division of Criminal Investiga
Albany County Sheriff’s Deputies fatally shot 48-year-old Colorado resident John Alan Britton as he charged toward them with a knife at Snowy Range Ski Area on Sunday.
According to a press release, the Albany County Sheriff’s Office was trying to find Britton on Sunday after his friends said he might be suicidal...
We're running a Win Cash contest right now, where some lucky folks could win either $1,000 or $10,000! So it has me thinkin'.... what I would do with that kinda cash.
So far this winter season has been very cold, but there hasn’t been a whole lot of snow. The lack of snow put a slight kink in the Snowy Range Ski Area’s plans for opening. One weekend they were open, the next closed and now they are open again. After these delays things are now up and running for the season.
Don't miss your chance to win free lift tickets to the Snowy Range Ski Area! The season is coming close to an end and right now KOWB and KCGY are giving away the remainder of our lift tickets to the Snowy Range Ski Area! It's your chance to enjoy the last of the ski season and all you have to do is join The Mighty 1290 Club! If you don't know already, The Mighty 1290 Club is our loyalty program. I