The City Council on Monday approved a resolution to establish a process for expedited review and approval of contracts for events scheduled at city venues.
Councilors will consider a resolution to amend the city’s budget in light of a steep decline in state-shared revenue, which was expected to be reduced by 43 percent.
The resolution is normally passed through the Senate's unanimous consent procedure, whereby noncontroversial items like post office names are automatically approved.
“We have had to get more efficient, which is totally acceptable,” Yennie said. “We understand what needs to happen at a state level; we’ve got a funding issue. Then again, there’s a constitutional decree that we provide a basket of goods and the legislature’s supposed to provide a basket of goods.”
Resolution 2017-01, titled “3,2,1. . .3rd Street! An action plan for enhancing 3rd Street by 2020,” aims to look at enhancements that can be made to Third Street from I-80 to Curtis Street.