Competitors & Appetites Wanted for ‘Soup & Solstice’ in LaramieCompetitors & Appetites Wanted for ‘Soup & Solstice’ in LaramieSoups on! Support Feeding Laramie Valley with an evening of free food and fun.PhyliciaPhylicia
Hey Mom & Dad! Free Summer Lunches Available for Laramie KidsHey Mom & Dad! Free Summer Lunches Available for Laramie KidsLaramie kids can get healthy, tasty meals for FREE.Nicole SherwoodNicole Sherwood
Feeding Laramie Valley’s First Annual Soup-Off THIS WEDNESDAYFeeding Laramie Valley’s First Annual Soup-Off THIS WEDNESDAYJoin Feeding Laramie Valley for soup and solstice, at Feed Laramie Valley's first annual soup-off!Adlynn JamaludinAdlynn Jamaludin
First Day for ‘Kids Out To Lunch’ at Feeding Laramie ValleyFirst Day for ‘Kids Out To Lunch’ at Feeding Laramie ValleyFeeding Laramie Valley hosts a free lunch and fun activity for kids 18 and under during the summer, starting June 10, and runs through Aug. 9.Thomas KocalThomas Kocal
FLV Community Garden Fills Up Fast After Grand OpeningFLV Community Garden Fills Up Fast After Grand OpeningFeeding Laramie Valley held a successful Grand Opening celebration of the new community garden Saturday, at Kiwanis Park in West LaramieThomas KocalThomas Kocal