The workshops will take place on the UW campus in the Wyoming Union Ballroom on Feb. 12-13 and will be led by a nationally recognized expert in creating inclusive environments, Kathy Obear.
Marlin Holmes is the recipient of the University of Wyoming’s 2016 Willena Stanford Commitment to Diversity Award.
Holmes hails from Charlotte, N.C., and is a UW graduate student working toward a master’s degree and Ph.D. in mechanical engineering...
The University of Wyoming Board of Trustees voted unanimously Friday in favor in changing UW regulations to create a new position to coordinate the institution’s diversity efforts.
The university will now develop a job description and prepare to advertise for applicants...
In the next few weeks, University of Wyoming President Dick McGinity will appoint a committee to address diversity issues and create a new position, the “coordinator of diversity.” McGinity laid out his plans in a memo to the UW community on Friday...
University of Wyoming faculty, staff, and students recently received diversity awards to recognize outstanding contributions and achievements at UW.
The Committee on Women and People of Color, formed last year, sponsored the awards which were presented at the Celebrating Diversity dinner...