The public library’s large meeting room and conference room are being completely renovated to increase room flexibility for different types of programs and events.
The first of four Cheyenne Frontier Days 2023 Grand Parades is scheduled to step off in downtown Cheyenne on Saturday, July 22 at 9 a.m.
The parade route is shown below.
The first CFD "parades" were mostly wild and woolly gallops through town by rowdy cowboys on wild broncos rather than the organized, well-planned processions enjoyed by modern spectators (according to the Cheyenne Fronti
The market, which is a fundraiser for Community Action of Laramie County, is an annual event that typically offers fruits and vegetables, honey, pastries, baked goods, and a range of other products.
While almost everyone agrees that Frontier Days is a major shot in the arm for our local economy, the personal excitement level for CFD is all over the place.