Aerial Mosquito Control Near Laramie Planned for FridayAerial Mosquito Control Near Laramie Planned for FridayThe pesticide will be applied at the "ultra-low volume rate" of half an ounce per acre, according to the City of Laramie.Nick LearnedNick Learned
Aerial Larvicide Application Near Laramie Set for ThursdayAerial Larvicide Application Near Laramie Set for ThursdayKeith Wardlaw, Mosquito Control Crew Supervisor, says recent mosquito trapping has turned up a few vectors of West Nile -- three mosquitos, to be exact, out of the 20,000-30,000 trapped. Nick LearnedNick Learned
Aerial Videos Show Progress Of New Laramie High SchoolAerial Videos Show Progress Of New Laramie High SchoolAerial videos provide a way for people to see the progress of the new Laramie High School without driving by the area. Tracie PerkinsTracie Perkins