Nominations Due for the Arch Coal Teacher Awards
Nominations close on January 5, 2015 for the Arch Coal Teacher Achievement Awards Program, that's according to Greg Schafer, Arch Coal vice president of external affairs, western region.The Arch Coal Foundation will make $3,500 personal awards to 10 teachers in the spring. Nomination forms also are available at partner locations – libraries, schools, Taco John’s and Loaf ‘N Jug locations and online at the Wyoming Education Association website. Other partners include the Office of the Governor and the Wyoming Department of Education. The Arch awards are the state’s longest running, privately sponsored teacher recognition program.
The Arch Coal Foundation also supports a teacher recognition program in West Virginia and a teacher grants program in Delta County, Colo. More information about all of the foundation’s education support programs is posted online at archcoal.com/community/education.
St. Louis-based Arch Coal, Inc. is one of the world’s top coal producers for the global steel and power generation industries, serving customers on five continents.