Your Kids Will Love These Exciting Wyoming Snow Day Activities
Snow days are some of the best days, especially if the temperatures aren't unbearable and the 'W' word isn't blowing and making it miserable outside.
Because Wyoming has a pretty good handle on how to deal with weather situations, schools being canceled isn't a normal thing. Sometimes even the most prepared, highly qualified snow removal technicians aren't able to control the snow totals and school has to be called off.
When this happens, making sure your kids don't drive you crazy is extremely important.
When the temps are safe the best option for you is to send the kids outside. These are all great options for those scenario's.
- sled riding
- building snow forts
- have snowball fights
- build a snowman
- snow angels
Those activities will only burn a couple hours of the day. What do you do with them when they are cold, tired and ready to come back inside?
I get it, your anxiety just peaked and you're already freaking out at the thought of your kids and the neighbor kids running through the house. The potential for something to get broke is heightened and the need for a bottle of wine is increased.
No need to fret, you have items in your house now that will keep the kids entertained and out of your hair for hours. If you don't have all of these items now, it would be a good idea to get them for the next snow day.
Run Wild My Child.com has a bunch of great ideas to keep your kids busy on a snow day.