This past weekend, there was a ton of stuff happening in downtown Cheyenne! One of those events took place Saturday night (July 17th) as the West Edge Collective hosted a free concert with Coolio and Rob Base. At the event, I experienced a strange anomaly that will go down as one of the longest beer lines in the history of beer lines!

I arrived at the event a little after 8:30 p.m. and as soon as I entered the venue area, I immediately looked around for the beer tent. Little did I realize was that there was only one beer tent for everyone at the concert. So I ventured over to the area to get in line so I walked over...then I walked some more...then I walked a little more...then finally I reached the end of the line. I looked at my phone at that time and it was 8:53 p.m. and looked at what was in front of me and thought to myself, 'Could this be the biggest beer line in the history of Cheyenne?'...

Coolio Beer Line

And there it is! My journey through what I believe may be the longest beer line in the history of Cheyenne, ever! Or maybe it's not. What's the longest line you've ever endured to get beer?

Every Band That’s Ever Played At Cheyenne Frontier Days (UPDATED)

The Daddy of 'Em All is back and today we're looking back at over 50 years of concerts at Cheyenne Frontier Days. This list features every main stage musical act on the Frontier Nights stage at Frontier Park in Cheyenne, Wyoming since 1966. Courtesy of Daniel Long with the CFD Old West Museum

- Every Band That’s Ever Played At Cheyenne Frontier Days 1966-2021

10 Cheyenne Frontier Days Souvenirs Found on eBay

2021 is the 125th annual Cheyenne Frontier Days. It's crazy when you stop to think about it that means the Daddy of 'Em All has been around longer than the internet, sliced bread, and cars!

Over that century-plus of Old West celebrations, millions of people have visited Cheyenne, Wyoming. Many of the people took home souvenirs of their days cheering on the rodeo participants and exploring Wyoming.

Many years later those souvenirs have made their way onto the online auction site eBay. Collectors from around the world are reading bits and pieces of Cheyenne's history of tourism. Here are a few of the treasures we found recently.

Wyoming's Top Beers Come From Laramie, Sheridan & Jackson


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