Shauna Wright

More and More Americans Are Walking for Exercise
As a whole, the US has an obesity problem — but the good news is that more of us are getting up off the couch and talking a walk.

American Airlines Will Deliver Your Bags — For a Price — Dollars and Sense
Last year, the 17 largest airlines in the US made $3.3 billion in baggage-related fees, and now American Airlines would like a little bigger slice of the pie.
It’s just announced a new luggage service that might make your life a little easier — but of course it’ll cost you.

Don’t Have a Lot of Twitter Followers? You Probably Like President Obama
During the last race for the White House in 2008, Barack Obama got many of his campaign donations from people who gave small amounts — but since there were a lot of them, they quickly added up to a substantial sum.
As this year’s presidential campaign heats up, there’s a similar narrative — only this time it involves overall influence, and it’s playing out on Twitter.

Do Military Veterans Have More Health Problems Than Civilians?
A new report from the CDC finds that men who’ve served in the military carry a heavier health burden than civilians — in fact, veterans are significantly more likely to have two or more chronic conditions like diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure.

US Gymnast Gabby Douglas Makes History Winning Olympic Gold in Women’s All-Around
US Olympic gymnast Gabby Douglas won perhaps the most coveted title in her sport when she took the gold medal in the women’s all-around competition on Thursday in London, becoming the first African-American female gymnast to ever win individual Olympic gold.

Baby Boomers Like the Savings but Hate the Phrase ‘Senior Discount’ — Dollars and Sense
With age comes wisdom — and eventually, senior discounts. But while the older set likes those cost-saving perks, they’d rather call them something else.

Survey Reveals Hotel Guests Turned Off by Poor Service and WiFi Fees — Dollars and Sense
In the wake of the economic downturn, some hotels have cut corners to save money — and their customers have noticed. According to a new survey, satisfaction with hotel services is now at a six-year low.

Could Texting Make Kids’ Grammar Worse?
We already know texting while driving is bad, but new research seems to indicate that even before kids are old enough to get behind the wheel, texting might have another downfall: it’s making their grammar worse.