Kathy Landin is a freelance internet pop-culture junkie (and web video producer). For a brief time in 2011, she was THIS close to being Charlie Sheen's social media intern for the summer. She's blogged for local TV stations, anonymous dating adventures and stupid advice columns. Mostly she entertains herself by practicing the fine art of idiocy, which you can watch in Kathy Landin's "I'm an Idiot" Show. Or, if you have a short attention span, get 140 characters of idiocy on Twitter.
Kathy Landin
5 Ways Gardening Is Great for Your Health
Gardening can do wonderful things for your health. Even if you only have enough space to put plants in a few pots on a patio, a little bit of gardening can go a long way.
Study Shows Negative Effects of Bullying Can Last Through Adulthood
It turns out that the playground bully at your kid’s school may be more than just a temporary nuisance.
Put That Sandwich Down — USDA Announces Major Chicken-Breast Recall
Prime Pak Foods is recalling 24,000 pounds of chicken due to incorrect labeling that doesn't properly identify potential allergens.
5 Drug-Free Ways to Deal With Allergy Season
Allergies are a pain, but then again, so is that feeling of drowsiness most allergy medications cause. Here are some ways to cope with allergy season without using any drugs.
Allergy Season Is Here, and It Will Hit Hardest in These Cities
If you live in one of the cities listed below, it could be a particularly stuffy, sneezy, clogged allergy season.
5 Things to Know About Your 401(k) — Like What Exactly Is a 401(k)?
Be honest: Do you really know what a 401(k) is? Because a lot of people don't—even people who have one. Let us try to explain it to you.
Surviving Breast Cancer and Other Benefits of Vitamin D
Because of all the health benefits that come from vitamin D, we should all consider getting more of it in our diet.
What Holiday Jobs Offer the Best Opportunities and Benefits?
If you’ve been considering a seasonal job to bring in some extra cash during the holidays, it’s time to start going through the job listings. (Check sites like Indeed, GrooveJob and Snag a Job for opportunities in your area, or visit a company’s site or location directly.) There are numerous opportunities and possibilities that open up to you when you land that seasonal holiday position, beyond ju