Amy Sciarretto
SAT Scores Plummet As More Students Take the ACT
The average national scores on two out of the three sections of the SAT exam, which is the standardized test students take in order to get into college, trended down for the class of 2012.
That could have to do with the fact more students in the class of ’12 took the rival ACT exam than the SAT this year, the first time that has ever happened.
Sally Ride, First American Woman in Space, Dead at 61
Sally Ride, the first American woman to go into space, has died. Ride, 61, passed away peacefully at her home in La Jolla, CA. on Monday, July 23 after a 17-month battle with pancreatic cancer.
Man Boards Plane Without a Ticket After Getting Out of Jail — How’d He Do It? [VIDEO]
This news ought to do little to renew your faith in airport security systems. On Tuesday, a man boarded a plane in San Diego without a ticket.
Even worse, he was just released from jail a day earlier.
Robocalling Company Fined a Staggering $65,000 for Badgering Man with Unwanted Calls — Dollars and Sense
No means no — on a date and when it comes to telemarketing.
It’s Hard to Believe, But Donald Trump Thinks He’s the Perfect Choice for Vice President [VIDEO]
Oh, The Donald. He never passes up the chance to shamelessly self-promote and that’s just what he did in an interview with Newsmax TV.
Eating at Chain Restaurants May Actually Be Worse for Your Health Than You Think
You might want to think twice about consuming that Big Mac and fries or that Whopper with cheese.
If You’re an American, There’s a Good Chance You Would Fail a Citizenship Test
Nearly a third of Americans would get a big fat “F” on a citizenship test, according to a new study. The lack of knowledge mostly pertains to civics questions.
Defective Lottery Ticket Dashes Man’s Millionaire Dollar Dreams
A defective lottery ticket raised and then dashed an out-of-work man’s dreams. It was like a printing machine played a cruel trick on him.